Our faculty members graduated from reputed universities and are active in their fields while also being dedicated teachers and mentors. Their expertise covers a wide range of sub-disciplines and specialties, and they are regularly producing internationally-recognized research.

Dr Mujahed Al-Dhaifallah
Associate Professor & Chairman
Areas of Interest: Control Systems, Systems Identification, Renewable & Sustainable Energy, Optimization, AI.
Office:22/251 ☏1033 ✉mujahed

Dr Aamer Iqbal Bhatti
Areas of Interest: Sliding M Control, Automotive Model. & Control, Predictive Maint. Office:23/056 ☏5848 ✉aameriqbal.bhatti

Dr Abdul-Wahid A. Saif
Areas of Interest: Robust Control, Wireless Network Control, Stabilization, Time Delay Systems.
Office:22/437 ☏2407 ✉awsaif

Dr Sami El-Ferik
Areas of Interest: Adaptive Control, Time Delay Systems, Stochastic Systems, Cond. Based Maintenance.
Office:22/436 ☏2542 ✉selferik

Dr Muhammad Faizan Mysorewala
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Mobile Robots, Intelligent Control, Distributed Sensing, HRI, Env. Monitoring. Office:22/425 ☏7786 ✉mysorewala

Dr Muhammad Majid Gulzar
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Control of RES, Optimization Techniques, Smart Grid, AI, Multi-agent Networks; O:22/227 ☏5145 ✉muhammad.gulzar

Dr Sarvat M Ahmad
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Mathematical Modelling & Control Systems. Office:22/253 ☏5058 ✉sarvat.ahmad

Dr Adnan Shakoor
Assistant Professor
Areas of interest: Bio-Robotics, Micro-manipulation, Cell Surgery, AI. Office:22/349 ☏5217 ✉adnan.shakoor

Dr Ali Nasir
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Approx. Dynamic Programming, Fault Tolerant Control, Nonlinear Control & Estimation; Office:22/239 ☏7876 ✉ali.nasir

Dr Bilal Khan
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Control Systems, Renewable Energy Management, Machine Learning Control. O:23/063 ☏ 5212✉bilal.khan

Dr Muhammad Emzir
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Quantum Filtering and Control, Nonlinear Filtering, Gaussian Processes.
Office:22/226 ☏1079 ✉muhammad.emzir

Dr Md Shafiullah
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Control of Critical Infrastructures; Grid Integration, Microgrids, Power Systems Stability. Office:23/052 ☏7132 ✉shafiullah

Dr Nezar Mohammed Yazidi
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Distributed Control, Networked Control Systems, Optimal Control, AI, Microgrid Systems.
Office:22/233 ☏1484 ✉nalyazidi

Dr Ramy Rashad
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Port-Hamiltonian Systems, Aerial Robotics, Geometric Mechanics, Systems & Control. Office:23/058 ☏ 5847✉ramy.rashad

Dr Salman Habib
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Load Forecast, Distribution Net, EV Charge, Power System Plan, Renewable Energy. O:23/060 ☏5687 ✉salman.habib

Dr Syed Muhammad Amrr
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Nonlinear Control, Adaptive Control, MPC, Time Delay Control, Fuzzy Logic Control. Office:23/059 ☏5685 ✉syed.amrr

Ahmed Nizar Alshakhs
Office:23/064 ☏ ✉ahmed.alshakhs

Dr. Ahmed Eltayeb Taha
Areas of interest: Control Systems, Robotics, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Office:23/010-1 ☏8093 ✉ahmedtaha

Dr Muhammad Sabih
Research Engineer III (Assistant Professor)
Areas of Interest: NDT, Data Science, Control Systems, Embedded Systems, Office:15/ ☏5329 ✉muhammad.sabih