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Research Facilities
Seminar on "Teleoperation Systems : A Recent Survey and Future Directions" by Dr Magdi Sadek Mahmoud
MS Thesis Defense on "Autonomous Underwater Vehicle: Control, Navigation and Path Planning" by Mr. Mubarak Aremu Badamasi
Seminar on "The ECOA Of Optimally Overcoming The Load Frequency Control Problem For The Two-area Hybrid" by Mr. Muhammad Inshal Shahzad, Graduate Student of CIE Dept
Seminar on "Crowd-Aware Mobile Robot Navigation with Deep Reinforcement Learning" by Mr. Ibrahim Kabir, Graduate Student of CIE Dept
Seminar on "Speed Control of Wind Turbines System using Evolutionary Algorithm-based Cascaded Controller" by Mr. Ghali Ahmad, Graduate Student of CIE Dept
Seminar on "A Machine Learning-Based Inverse Kinematics Solution for Two-Segment Tendon-Driven Soft Robotic Arm (TDSR)" by Mr. Mohammed Abdelnasser Mohammed, Graduate Student of CIE Dept
Seminar on "Optimal PID and FOPID Based Pitch Angle Control of Wind Generation System" by Mr. Md Muzakkir Quamar, Graduate Student of CIE Dept
Seminar on "Deep Learning-Based Lip Reading System for Arabic Language" by Mr. Adeb Ali Magad, Ph.D. Student of CIE Dept
Seminar on "Fractional Order Sliding Mode Control of Quadrotor Based on Fractional Order Model" by Mr. Khaled Bin Gaufan Ph.D. Student of CIE Dept
QBOT Training by Quanser
MS Thesis Public Defense on "Active Vibration Control of A Smart Structure" by Ahmed Abdulrahman Mohammed
Seminar on "Fault-Tolerant Control of Quadrotor Using Evolutionary Optimization Technique" by Mr. Khaled Surur
Seminar on "Autonomous Vehicles- Understanding the State of the Art in the Industry and Academia" by Mr. Owais Mateen, Systems Engineer of GM with ADAS
MS Thesis Defense on "Data-Driven and Adaptive Algorithms for Pressure Control in a Multi-Phase Flow System" by Aiman Farid Ahmed Bawazir
Webminar on "What's New in MATLAB and SIMULINK" by Mr. Mohammad Abuzayyad, Technical Manager of Mathworks
Seminar on "Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Optimization and Control" by Dr. John Hedengren
Seminar on "Artificial Intelligent-Based Coordinated Control of Sustainable Integrated Power Grid" by Dr Muhammad Majid Gulzar
Invitation - CIE Club's Introductory Meeting and Meeting with Dr. Mujahed ALDhaifallah, CIE Department's Chairman
Seminar on "Fault Tolerant Planning and Scheduling for Satellite Missions" by Dr Ali Nasir
Congratulation to Dr Muhammad Emzir and CIE Students in Capstone 2.0 Team "Deli Bot" for Winning the Best Overall Project
Congratulations to Dr Magdi Mahmoud, Dr Abdulwahid Saif and Dr Nezar Yazidi as winners of Highly Impact Paper Award 2022
Seminar "Internet of Things (IoT) Based Control of Robotic Manipulator using Arbotix-M Microcontroller"
Seminar on "Data Driven Modeling of a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit"
Seminar on "Optimal Altitude Range for Image Collection Drone from Agricultural Areas with Image Resolution and Power Consumption Constraints"
Seminar on "Intelligent Control of Bionic Hand based on Electromyography"
Seminar on "Robotic and Image-Guided Control for Medical Applications"
Webminar on Control & Instrumentation Engineering: A Rewarding and Challenging Career Path
Webinar: How to make a career as an Instrumentation & Control Engineer
Seminar "Robotic Micro-manipulation System for Precision Organelle Biopsy and Transplantation" by Dr Adnan Shakoor
Seminar on "The Control of Bionic Hand Based Electromyography" by Mr. Ali ALRamadhan
Seminar "Current Sharing Control Method for Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles" by Mr. Muhammad Maaruf, CIE Graduate Student
Seminar "Robust Control of Two Link Rigid Manipulator with Nonlinear Dynamic Model" by Aiman Bawazir
Thesis Defense "Energy Harvesting Based Wireless Sensor Network for Pipeline Monitoring Systems" by Matiur Rasool Ashraf Virk
Seminar on "Spacecraft Equations of Motion and Feedback Control" by Dr Ali Nasir
Seminar on "Teleoperation Systems : A Recent Survey and Future Directions" by Dr Magdi Sadek Mahmoud
Seminar "Operation and Control of Renewable Energy Systems"
CIE Dept Seminar: Application of Markov Decision Process
MS Thesis Public Defense: "Gaze Stabilization Control for Humanoid Robots"
KFUPM Automation Week: Automation Trends in Chemical Processes
PhD Dissertation Defense: Fractional Order for Multi-Agent SystemControl
KFUPM Automation Week -212-
PhD Dissertation Defense: Multi-Agent Control of Multiple UAV-Load Systems
MS Thesis Defense on Reinforcement Learning for Quantitative Investment via the Conditional Value-at-Risk
Workshop Industrial Control System Cyber Security in a Digital World Part II
Technical Forum: Recent Advances in Process Instrumentation and Control
MS Thesis Public Defense "Fractional-Order Control of Quadrotor Based on Fractional Order Model"
MS THESIS DEFENSE "Adaptive Control of Underactuated 3D Overhead Crane System"
Seminar "Automatic Projection Filter"
CIE Club "Introductory Meeting"
Seminar on "Introduction to the World of Robotics: Robotics & Humans" by Mohammed Mahjoub, Robotics training specialist
Seminar on "Interactive Aerial Robots – A Geometric Port-Hamiltonian Framework" by Dr. Ramy Rashad
Seminar on "Systems Biology: Placing Cells under Control" by Prof. Aamer Iqbal Bhatti, Professor of CIE Dept.
Seminar on "Shallow and Deep Learning Algorithms and Applications" by Dr Mohd Tanveer, Professor of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology
Seminar on "Self-Tuning Control of Combustion Engine Speed and Pressure Based on Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization" by Mr Ahtisham Urooj, PhD Student in CIE Dept
MS Thesis Defense on "Coordinated Multi Lane-Changing Process for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Mixed Environment" by Mr. Abdullah Ali Alshakhs
Seminar on "Design of MRC Based on EID Estimator with APETM for Time-Varying Delay Nonlinear Systems via T-S Fuzzy Model" by Mr. Mohamed Soliman, Ph.D. Student in CIE Dept
Seminar on "Mathematical Modelling and Intelligent Control of 3-DoF UAV in Stable Configuration" by Mr. Ashhad Ali Shahid of CIE Dept
Seminar on "Load Frequency Regulating in a Multiarea System with Hybrid Renewable Energy Sources" by Mr. Muhammad Saeed Tolba, Graduate Student in CIE Dept.
Seminar on "Optimal Control Method for LLC Resonant Converter of EV Battery Chargers" by Mr. Abdullah Memon, a Graduate Student of CIE Dept.
Seminar on "Visual Servoing of a 3 DOF Hover Quadcopter using 2D Markers" by Mr. Fethi Ouerdane, Graduate Student of CIE Dept
Seminar on "Attitude Modelling and Real-Time Robust Control of a 3-DoF Quadcopter UAV Test Bench" by Dr. Sarvat M. Ahmad, Associate Professor of CIE Dept
Seminar on "Online Reinforcement Learning Control for Load Frequency in Power Systems" by Mr. Yousif ALWajih, A Graduate Student of CIE Dept.
Seminar on "Maximum Power Point Tracking of PV System Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System and Model Reference Adaptive Control" by Mr. Noman Bashir, Graduate Student of CIE Dept.
MS Thesis Defense on "Optimizing Multi-Drone Flight Paths in Mountainous Terrain Using Enhanced Artificial Bee Colony and Genetic Algorithms" by Mr. Ahmed Abu Baker, Graduate Student of CIE Dept.
Seminar on "Event-Triggered Based Control of Robotic Arm Under Denial of Service" by Mr. Jamilu Umar Yahaya, a Graduate Student of CIE Dept.
MS Thesis Defense on "Advance Deep Learning Framework for Predictive Maintenance of Renewable Energy Plants" by Mr. Abdulbasit Hassan, a Graduate Student of CIE Dept.
Thesis/Dissertation opportunities under funded research projects with Dr Md Shafiullah
Seminar on "LQR-PID Controller Design for a Biomechanical Model of Human Postural Control" by Prof. Kamran Iqbal, Professor of Electrical and Computer Eng. at Univ. of Arkansas
Seminar on "Teleoperation Systems : A Recent Survey and Future Directions" by Dr Magdi Sadek Mahmoud
Building 22 Room 121
Nov. 17, 2022 - Nov. 17, 2022
10 a.m. - 11 a.m.