Graduate Students
Graduate Assistants

Abdullah Ali Al-Shakhs

Hassan Al-Mubarak
Ph.D. student at Georgia Tech
Research Interest: Safety restrictions and robustness and performance of (uncertain/possibly unknown) safety-critical control dynamical systems by integrating tools from (and developing tools in) control theory, dynamic optimization and machine learning.

Khaled Surur

Maitham Fouad AL-Sunni
Ph.D. student at Carnegie Mellon University
Research Interest: Safe and learning-based control

Turki Bin Mohaya
PhD Student in Robotics, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Areas of interests: Robotics, Multi-agent Control of Autonomous Vehicles, Intelligent Controllers, Deep Reinforcement Learning Control, and Autonomous Systems.
PhD Students (SCE Program)

Mustapha Kamel Khaldi
Areas of interest: Data-Driven Control, Advanced Process Control, AI, Machine Learning

Khaled Saeed Salmen Bin Gaufan
Areas of Interest: Mobile Robotics, Fractional Order Controls, Dynamic Models, Intelligent Control, and Optimizations using Evolutionary Techniques
Research Interests: Fractional Order Controls, Dynamic Models, Intelligent Control, and the utilization of Evolutionary Techniques for optimization purposes

Mohammed Abdelnasser Ahmed Mohammed
Research Interests: Robotics Engineering, Automatic Control, Artificial Intelligence Techniques, and Surgical Robots. His current research focuses on Hybrid Mechanisms of Surgical Robot Arm, Continuum Surgical Robots, Tendon-Driven Mechanisms, Concentric Tube Mechanisms, and Design & Control of Surgical Manipulators.

Md Muzakkir Quamar
Areas of Interest: Control theory, Non-linear control, Multi-agent system, Detection fault-diagnosis and monitoring

Abdulrazaq Nafiu Abubakar
Areas of Interest : Control, Automation and Robotics.
Research Interests : Control of Nonlinear Multiagent system, Cyber attack, AI based control of Nonlinear systems and Robotics

Adeb Ali Mansoor Magad

Yousif Ahmed Saeed Ghaleb Al-Wajih
Areas of Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Networked Control System, Cyber Attack Detection, Gas Sensing

Mohamed Soliman
Areas of interest: linear and nonlinear control-Intelligent Control (Fuzzy and neural)- Adaptive Control- Optimization- Machine Learning
Research Interest: Repetitive control- Disturbance Estimation- Event-Trigged Control- Optimization based on some Metaheuristic Algorithms such as PSO, EA,...

Muhammad Saeed Muhammad Tolba
Areas of interest: Renewable Energy and Artificial Intelligence
Research interests": Load Frequency Control
Muhammad Yusuf

Md Tarique Bin Hamid

Wrastawa Ridwan Katirin
Areas of Interest: Control and Intelligent Systems
Research Interest: Control and Intelligent Systems

Ahtisham Urooj
Area of Interest: Control Systems & Automation, Intelligent Systems & Robotics, Mechatronics & Embedded Systems, Biomedical Engineering & Healthcare Technology, Industrial Automation and IoT
Research Areas: Advanced Control Techniques, Robotics & Mechatronics, Biomedical Engineering & Healthcare Technology, Industrial Automation & IoT, Energy Management & Hybrid Systems

Ahsan Tanveer
Areas of Interest: Control Theory, System Modelling, Optimization
Research Interest: Development of robust and optimal controllers for unmanned underwater and aerial vehicles.
Asem M K Abdalhadi

Dhia Eddine Mnasri

Aiman Farid Ahmed Ba Wazir
Area interest: modeling and control.
Research interests: system identification, optimal control and control theory.

Ikhsan Hidayat
Areas of Interest: Automatic Control, Renewable Energy,
Research Interests: Intelligent Control, Load Frequency Control
MS Students (SCE Program)

Abdulbasit Hassan
Areas of Interest: Control and Automation, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
Research Interests: Control and optimization of energy systems, Predictive maintenance, and Deep learning

Ahmed Abdu Idress Abubaker
Areas of Interest: Smart Mobility, Drones, Robotics, ROS, AI, and Reinforcement Learning
Research Interests: Path planning algorithms for delivery drones operating in difficult terrains. 2D mapping for industrial applications using SLAM

Fethi Ouerdane

Ghali Ahmad
Areas of Interest: Control and Automation
Research Interests: Application of control system in renewable energy.

Muhammad Inshal Shahzad
Areas of Interest: Renewable Energy Resources in Multi-Area Power System
Research Interests: Load Frequency Control of RES in Multi-Area Hybrid Power System
Areas of Interest: Mechatronics
Rawan Alnawasrah

Jamilu Umar Yahaya
Areas of interest: Control systems and Optimal control
Research Interest: Automation & Robotics, Control of Autonomous systems.
Noman Bashir

Abdullah Memon
Areas of Interest: Control Systems, Modeling, Identification, Optimization, Embedded System and Internet of things(IOT)

Boutheina Abdelhak

Tasnemul Hasan Nehal
Areas of Interest: :Smart Mobility, AI and Control Systems
Research Interests: Vision-based Control, Multi-agent systems, Object Tracking and Estimation

Shahid Ahamed Hasib
Areas of Interest: systems and control, robotics, and automation engineering

Md Hafizur Rahman

Muhammad Habibul Nasution

Abdullah Ajasa

Fawaz Babjide Aremu
Emmanuel Agber
Ashahad Ali Shahid

Abdullah Abushokor
Areas of Interest: Mobile Robots, Manipulator Robots, UAVs, Aerospace Control
Research Interest: Nonlinear control, Sliding mode control, Adaptive control, Time daily control.
Mohamed MohamedAhmed
Mohammed Abaker Ahmed Slman

Sajjad Ahmed Abubaker Mahmoud
Mazen Mohamed